- Is there WIFI internet?
There is a free of charge WIFI internet connection in all the apartments.
- Are pets allowed?
If you would like to bring your pet you will need to contact us first, we will apply extra fees.
- Do children need to pay?
Children up to 5 years are free of charge. There are cots available on request.
- Is there a private parking?
Yes, we have an underground parking, not included in the price. It will be necessary in high season to book your parking space in advance.
- Do the apartments have a terrace?
Yes, all of our apartments have terraces, most of them are situated at the main road with side views of the sea.
- How many apartments are there?
We have 36 apartments of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms.
- Apartment includes sheets and towels?
Yes, there is one set of sheets and towels per person. We don’t have beach towels. With minimum stays of 1 week we change sheets and towels, although all our apartments have a washing machine.
- Is the kitchen fully equipped?
Yes, the kitchen is fully equipped with fridge, oven, microwave, coffee maker, kettle and all utensils needed for cooking.
- Is it possible to check in before 16.00 hours?
You will need to inquire us the day before you arrive, in high season we never guarantee that possibility.
- What time do I have to leave the apartment?
Checkout time is at 10am although in mid and low season you can leave a bit later if you like . If you would like to have a late checkout for an extra fee you should contact reception, we do not guarantee the possibility.
- Is there a hairdryer?
All our apartments have hairdryer
- Can we store our luggage somewhere after checkout?
Yes, you can store your luggage as long as you like free of charge.
- Is there any bus stop nearby?
There’s a bus stop at only 50m from the apartments and the main bus station is about a 10 minutes’ walk.